Business Leadership Coaching: Customized • Targeted • Measured
WHEN Your Leaders Need Expert COACHING To:
Improve one or more critical leadership behaviors
“Grow” into their recent promotion and get successful quickly
Leverage objective, honest, unfiltered feedback from key co-workers
Start preparing now for an expected promotion
Off-the-Shelf leadership programs won’t help you. But my personalized, targeted, customized, and measured approach for leadership development will.
How? I collect data to get to the heart of business issues, diagnose dysfunction, and have the frank conversations that bring the bull within reach so you can grab it by the horns.
Because I bring the honest human element to gathering and interpreting feedback, tensions dissolve and are replaced by trust. Conversations are entirely confidential. Everyone gets specific feedback, even advice on managing up the chain of command.
Measuring Leader Performance
Seeking change for growth or competitive advantage? Competency assessment feedback and leadership coaching are the keys for optimizing leadership potential. My targeted, customized coaching assessment specific to the individual’s development needs helps leaders:
Uncover blind spots
Create self-awareness
Cultivate curiosity
Expand their leadership “adaptability range”
Instead of canned, generic leadership training, capitalize on expert independent feedback to win the confidence and trust of your leaders. Then uncork that energy to meet expectations, reach goals, and create positive change. The proof is in the metrics. And the testimonials!
““As a seasoned Coach, Pat brings a deep understanding of the tenets of good, sound leadership along with his insightful, analytical mind. Pat readily grasps the corporate culture and has the uncanny ability to identify and focus on critical issues while adapting to client needs.””