Coach and Reinforce

Two people talking in front of computer

For the greatest possible impact, one-on-one coaching is completely tailored to individual circumstances and requirements. To coach around specific development needs, I employ the following methods then follow up with observation and feedback:

  • Role Plays

  • Specific Work Assignments

  • Case Study Reviews

  • Articles/Books

  • Situational Review/Recommendation

To coach leaders and provide feedback around effective engagement and communication strategies, I attend presentations, staff meetings, and one-on-on-one meetings. I also preview presentations and written communications to coach leaders around best practices.

Other coaching activities include:

  • Listening and validating

  • Listening and challenging back an alternative approach

  • Collaborating around solving a problem

  • Role playing related scenarios

To follow through, Leaders provide ongoing updates to their Manager who monitors and reviews activity and progress against the specific development plan.

Pat helps leaders stretch their skills, strengthen relationships, and positively influence the larger organization through his well-integrated executive coaching.”